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Version: Zig 0.14.0 (dev)


Zig's unions allow you to define types that store one value of many possible typed fields; only one field may be active at one time.

Bare union types do not have a guaranteed memory layout. Because of this, bare unions cannot be used to reinterpret memory. Accessing a field in a union that is not active is detectable illegal behaviour.

const Result = union {
int: i64,
float: f64,
bool: bool,

test "simple union" {
var result = Result{ .int = 1234 };
result.float = 12.34;
test "simple union"...access of inactive union field
.\tests.zig:342:12: 0x7ff62c89244a in test "simple union" (test.obj)
result.float = 12.34;

Tagged unions are unions that use an enum to detect which field is active. Here we make use of payload capturing again, to switch on the tag type of a union while also capturing the value it contains. Here we use a pointer capture; captured values are immutable, but with the |*value| syntax, we can capture a pointer to the values instead of the values themselves. This allows us to use dereferencing to mutate the original value.

const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;

const Tag = enum { a, b, c };

const Tagged = union(Tag) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };

test "switch on tagged union" {
var value = Tagged{ .b = 1.5 };
switch (value) {
.a => |*byte| byte.* += 1,
.b => |*float| float.* *= 2,
.c => |*b| b.* = !b.*,
try expect(value.b == 3);

The tag type of a tagged union can also be inferred. This is equivalent to the Tagged type above.

const Tagged = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };

void member types can have their type omitted from the syntax. Here, none is of type void.

const Tagged2 = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool, none };