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Version: Zig 0.14.0 (dev)


Zig's switch works as both a statement and an expression. The types of all branches must coerce to the type which is being switched upon. All possible values must have an associated branch - values cannot be left out. Cases cannot fall through to other branches.

An example of a switch statement. The else is required to satisfy the exhaustiveness of this switch.

const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;

test "switch statement" {
var x: i8 = 10;
switch (x) {
-1...1 => {
x = -x;
10, 100 => {
//special considerations must be made
//when dividing signed integers
x = @divExact(x, 10);
else => {},
try expect(x == 1);

Here is the former, but as a switch expression.

const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;

test "switch expression" {
var x: i8 = 10;
x = switch (x) {
-1...1 => -x,
10, 100 => @divExact(x, 10),
else => x,
try expect(x == 1);

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