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A Guessing Game

· 5 min read
Sobeston maintainer

We are going to make a program that randomly picks a number from 1 to 100 and asks us to guess it, telling us if our number is too big or two small.

Getting a Random Number

As Zig does not have a runtime, it does not manage a PRNG (pseudorandom number generator) for us. This means that we'll have to create our PRNG and initialise it with a source of entropy. Let's start with a file called a_guessing_game.zig.

Fahrenheit To Celsius

· 4 min read
Sobeston maintainer

Here we're going to walk through writing a program that takes a measurement in fahrenheit as its argument, and prints the value in celsius.

Getting Arguments

Let's start by making a file called fahrenheit_to_celsius.zig. Here we'll again obtain a writer to stdout like before.

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() !void {
const stdout =;

Fizz Buzz

· 4 min read
Sobeston maintainer

Let's start playing with Zig by solving a problem together.

Fizz buzz is a game where you count upwards from one. If the current number isn't divisible by five or three, the number is said. If the current number is divisible by three, "Fizz" is said; if the number is divisible by five, "Buzz" is said. And if the number is divisible by both three and five, "Fizz Buzz" is said.


Let's make a new file called fizz_buzz.zig and fill it with the following code. This provides us with an entry point and a way to print to the console. For now we will take for granted that our stdout writer works.