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Version: Zig 0.14.0 (dev)

Suspend / Resume

In the previous section we talked of how async functions can give control back to the caller, and how the async function can later take control back. This functionality is provided by the keywords suspend, and resume. When a function suspends, control flow returns to wherever it was last resumed; when a function is called via an async invocation, this is an implicit resume.

The comments in these examples indicate the order of execution. There are a few things to take in here:

  • The async keyword is used to invoke functions in an async context.
  • async func() returns the function's frame.
  • We must store this frame.
  • The resume keyword is used on the frame, whereas suspend is used from the called function.

This example has a suspend, but no matching resume.

const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;

var foo: i32 = 1;

test "suspend with no resume" {
var frame = async func(); //1
_ = frame;
try expect(foo == 2); //4

fn func() void {
foo += 1; //2
suspend {} //3
foo += 1; //never reached!

In well formed code, each suspend is matched with a resume.

var bar: i32 = 1;

test "suspend with resume" {
var frame = async func2(); //1
resume frame; //4
try expect(bar == 3); //6

fn func2() void {
bar += 1; //2
suspend {} //3
bar += 1; //5